Be You in 22
This year The Eddystone Trust have decided to focus our efforts towards helping people 'be you in 22'. This isn’t just a one sentence line that ryhmes and sounds cute (honestly), this is our ethos for this year and beyond.
We want to help people connect with aspects of themselves that otherwise might be neglected or forgotten. By doing this we hope enable our community to make steps that are easily applicable in everyday life to enrich their sexual health.
We’ll be focussing on:
- Condom use and how you can sign up to our innovative condoms by post service (Condoms Direct) to take away the hassle of remembering to buy condoms face to face
- How HIV testing is easy, pain free and part of your regular sexual health routine
- Engaging the community about PrEP and how the medication can help prevent HIV transmission, with reinforcement of the U=U message
- Are you using chems? Have you forgotten what sober sex feels like? We’re running our new Chemsex support service this 2022 and help people look at their relationship with chems
If you want to know more about chemsex, PrEP, Condoms Direct or HIV testing then click the words in this sentence to be taken to the relevant pages on our website.
Also follow us on social media to be kept up to date with the latest news and information on sexual health in the UK to help you ‘Be You in 22’.