Why we do what we do...

Our aims:

  1. Encourage, strengthen, and increase awareness of living well with HIV and develop knowledge, and skills that will enable and promote good sexual health
  2. Eliminate stigma, discrimination and prejudice faced by people living with HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  3. Support other organisations to understand how they too can contribute to HIV and sexual health conversations

Where we work

We are proud to say we work across the South West offering a diverse range of services in Cornwall, Plymouth, Torbay, Devon, Somerset, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire and Worcestershire 

What we do

We are a people focussed organisation and offer services to suit the needs of populations that use our services. Below is a list of some of the services we provide but this is not an exclusive list because we are here to help those who reach out to us in whatever way we can:

  • Pre and post-test discussion
  • Emotional and practical support to people affected by HIV
  • Support with housing and money issues
  • Advocacy
  • Peer Support
  • Safer sex resources
  • Condoms by post
  • Information and training on blood borne viruses and sexual health for professionals
  • Bespoke support to help develop
  • HIV responsive Service
  • HIV testing


Do you know about PEP and PrEP? Click here to learn about PEP and PrEP.

click for PEP & Prep

HIV Testing

Click below to learn more about HIV testing and how you can access a free HIV home testing kit.

click for hiv testing

Contact Us

Maybe you can't find what you're looking for, or feel that you need some advice about HIV testing.

contact us here