National Condom Day

Condoms are one of the simplest and most effective ways
to protect ourselves and our partners—condoms.
Whether you're new to the conversation or just need a friendly reminder,
let’s talk about why condoms are so important and how you can help
spread the word.

Get PrEP'd today

Would you like to access PrEP?
Then click the button below to fill out our
enquiry form to arrange an assessment for
PrEP with your local clinic

The elephant in the room

We are The Eddystone Trust and we believe that the topic of "sex" doesn't have to be the elephant in the room. It's our view that experiencing positive sexual health should be a right for everyone, including you.

The landscape of sexual health is evolving, and quiet revolutions have been taking place; STIs are treatable, and living with HIV now means just that - living a long and healthy life. However, not everyone has heard, stigma and shame can still get in the way, stopping people from getting tested and claiming their right to positive sexual health.

That’s why we’re on a mission to fight stigma, and you can help us in this fight by making a donation (however small) to help fund the work we do. Your donation will help to make sure that HIV support, prevention and STI testing are there for when people need it the most. Together, let’s make a positive change.

Please help us by clicking here to Donate Today

HIV Testing Week is happening from February 10th-16th,
and we want you to claim your status by accessing
a FREE HIV TEST during HIV Testing Week.

Proud to work with